WebUp  |  WebUp Expert-Forum
Cardiology: Secondary CVD Prevention & Risk Management


Wednesday, 12 November 2025, 18:00 - 20:10

2 CPD*

Secondary CVD Prevention & Risk Management

(This webinar is only intended for HCPs). This expert forum consists of short impulse lectures on the topic "Cardiology". Experienced experts provide you with the latest updates and recommendations for treatment guidelines.

12 November 2025,  Live Stream webinar

A free booking is required to participate in this expert forum!

What can you expect?

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Update of the latest guidelines
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OnDemand access to re-watch the course
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Experienced approachable speakers
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Interaction through live chat feature
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Digital handbook with presentations


Session 1 

18:00 Comprehensive secondary prevention of CVD - Practical Tips 

18:35 Discussion & Q&A

18:40 Sponsored Symposium

19:10 Break

Session 2

19:15 Beyond statins in managing residual risk - case studies 

19:55 Discussion & Q&A

20:00 End of Programme


An application will be sent in due time. In the past the CPD Certification Service UK has accredited the WebUps with 2 CPD credits. 

Target group

General Practitioner (GP)General practitioners, resident doctorsHealthcare Professionals Doctors in trainingSpecialty NursesClinical Pharmacists










Scientific leader

Prof Ahmet Fuat 

Durham University

+44 20 35 14 58 70

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